Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Water Safety at BMA

"Do your part, be water smart"! Today,this was part of  what we learned when we were visited by a lifeguard through swim central. The children learned many valuable water safety tips.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Creating a Story through Teamwork

 During our afternoon circle, the children formed groups of three. Each group was given a random photo. The children had about 5 minutes or so to work together and come up with a story about the picture they received. Together each group presented a story. The creativity and excitement that went on was fantastic!

Clothing Study: Week 1

Clothing Study

This week in Pre-K we started our Clothing Study. After reading the books, Caps for Sale and Uncle Nacho's Hats we created our very own fashionable hats. Each day, we have been adding different materials for the children to explore and create with. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Today, we found ourselves helping the children tie their shoelaces many, many times during the day. Morah Galit and myself decided to make this into a teachable moment. We sat in a circle, each holding a shoe with a lace and began to learn how to tie. Although it was the first time for many of them, some children were successful and many started to understand the concept. We will make it a point to practice several other times during the year and you can certainly give it a try at home!